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Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
1CarteBEE1.1Bees, Robert Die Oikeiosislehre der Stoada
2CarteBOB2.1Bobzien, SusanDeterminism and freedom in stoic philosophyda
3CarteCOU1.1Couloubaritsis, Lambros La Phisique d'Aristoteda
4CarteDYS1.1Dyson, HenryProlepsis and Ennoia in the early Stoada
5CarteFUR1.1Furley, David J.Two studies in the greek atomistsda
6CarteGOU3.1Goulet- Caze, Marie-Odile (ed.)Etudes sur la theorie stoicienne de l'actionda
7CarteHUD1.1Hurdy, FrancoiseLiber XXIV Philosophorum. Instrumenta lexicologica latinada
8CarteINW1.1Inwood, BradEthics and Human Action in Early Stoicism da
9CarteINW1.2Inwood, Brad (ed.)Assent and argumentda
10CarteLEF2.1Lefèvre, CharlesSur l'évolution d'Aristote en phychologieda